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An action game featuring sausages for anyone interested in a fast-paced and hilarious good time

An action game featuring sausages for anyone interested in a fast-paced and hilarious good time

Vote: (98 votes)

Program license: Free

Version: 17.26

Works under: Android


Program license

(98 votes)




Works under:



  • Multiple game types to choose from
  • Unique style and design
  • Crisp mechanics that are easy to learn


  • Created for casual gamers
  • Ranking system can become monotonous

Sausage man is a fast-paced battle royale game that is filled with silly characters, quirky map features, and unique mechanics.

While there are countless battle royale games on the market, very few of them are as absurdly entertaining as Sausage Man. This mobile game was developed by the team over at XD Entertainment, and it is sure to keep you entertained for hours as you battle your way through each match as a sausage soldier. Even though Sausage Man might not be as polished as some of the other titles in this genre, it is still an excellent mobile game that perfectly blends polished mechanics, crisp graphics, and insane humor.

Just like many of the other popular battle royale games, Sausage Man pits you against dozens of different people per match, and your primary goal is to stay alive for as long as possible. Currently, there are two maps to choose from, and they have completely different environments. The Battle Island map is a larger world that has various urban environments placed in large open plains. Rainbow Island is a much smaller map, and it was designed for fierce fighting that takes place during much quicker matches. There are also a variety of arcade modes under development, and those features are being tested and released at regular intervals. That includes smaller battles with teams of eight players as well as a larger Quick Party mode that keeps the games moving along as quickly as possible

During each match, players much search the map for powerful weapons and interesting vehicles that will give them various advantages. The weapons are well-balanced, and each has its own pros and cons. In addition to traditional weapons such as a sniper rifle and shotgun, players can also find power-ups ranging from Gatling guns to rocket launchers. If you are lucky, then you might stumble across some of the wacky vehicles that can be used to zoom around the map and attack other players on the ground.

There are a few different features that set Sausage Man apart from the competition, and that includes the look and feel of the game. Playing as a sausage soldier, you are immediately going to notice the absurd visuals and mechanics that make this game truly unique. The developers have also done an excellent job of creating different bonuses and prizes that players can acquire by regularly logging in, playing different game modes, and winning matches.

If you have become bored with other popular battle royale games and are looking for something a little less serious, then Sausage Man could be a great option. The silly antics make this a much more casual title, but there is still quite a bit of substance in this game.


  • Multiple game types to choose from
  • Unique style and design
  • Crisp mechanics that are easy to learn


  • Created for casual gamers
  • Ranking system can become monotonous